

Bootstrap grid examples

Basic grid layouts to get you familiar with buikJing within the Bootstrap grid system.

Three equal columns

Got thrco cgual-v»dth columns start-ng at desktopa and scaling to largo dosktops. On mofrto dowcos. tablots and betow. tho columns w a automatoaEy stack. .col-md-4    .col-md-4    .col-md-4

Three unequal columns

Got thrco columns starting at dosktops and scaling to largo dosktops o! various widths. Romcmbcr. grid columns shouW add up to twclvo tor a s<ng!o horizontal błock. Moro than that. and columns start stacking no mattor tho viowport.

.col-md-3    .col-md-8    .col-md-3

Two columns

Got two cokimns starting at dosktops and scaling to largo dosktops.

.col-md-8    .col-md-4

Fuli width, single column

No grid ciasses aro nccessary for ful-width elomonts.

Two columns with two nested columns

Por tho documentation. nestmg is oasy-just put a row ol columns withm an row. This givos you two columns starting at dosktops and scaling to largo dosktops. with anothor two (oguai widths) withm tho largor column.

At moNe dovico wos. tabtots and do-an. thoso columns and thoir nostod columns w>« stack.






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