histories and examples will be presented to illustrate techniques.

Contact:    Dr. Ronald L. Eshleman, Director, The

Vibration Institute, 101 West 55th Street. Suitę 206, Clarendon Hiłłs. IL 60514 • (312) 654*2254.



February 19-22.1985


San Antonio, Texas


August 13-16,1985


Nashville, Tennessee


October 29 - November 1,1985


Oak Brook, Illinois

Objective: This course emphasizes the role of vibrations in mechanical equipment. instrumentation for vibration measurement. technlques for yibration analysis and control. and vibration correction and criteria. Examples and case histories from actual vibration problems in the Petroleum, process, Chemical, power, paper, and pharmaceutical Industries are used to illustrate technłques. Participants have the opportunity to become familiar with these tech-niques during the workshops. Lecture topics include: spectrum, time domain. modal, and orbital analysis; determination of natural frequency, resonance, and critical speed; vibration analysis of specific mechanical components. eguipment, and equipment trains; Identification of machinę forces and frequencies; basie rotor dynamics including fluid-film bearing characteristics. instabilities. and response to mass unbalance; vibration correction including balancing; yibration control including isolation and damping of installed equipment; selection and use of instrumentation; equipment evaluation techniques; shop test-ing, and plant predictive and preventive maintenance. This course will be of interest to plant engineers and technicians who must identify and correct faults in mach i nery

Contact:    Dr. Ronald L. Eshleman, Director, The

Vibration Institute. 101 West 55th Street. Suitę 206. Clarendon Hills, IL 60514 - (312) 654-2254.



Dates:    March 18-22, 1985

Place:    San Antonio. Texas

Objective: This course presents the fundamental principles of penetration mechanics and their appli-catlon to various solution techniques in different impact regimes. Analytical, numerical, and experi* mental approaches to penetration and perforation problems will be covered. Major topie heedings of the course are: fundamental relationships. materiał considerations, penetration of seml-infinite targets, perforation of thin targets, penetration/perforation of thick targets, hydrocode solution techniques. experimental techniques. Discussions will include such topics as fragment or projectile breakup. obliqui-ty, yaw, shape effects, and richochet. Shock propa-gation, failure mechanisms and modeling, constitutive relations, and equation-of-state will be presented in the context of penetration mechanics. Developed fundamental relationships will be applied in the following areas: hypervelocity impact, long rod penetration; spaced and composite armors. explosive initiation, hydrodynamic ram, fragment containment, earth penetration, crater/hole size, spallation, shaped charge penetration.

Contact:    Ms. Deborah J. Stowitts. Southwest

Research Institute, 6220 Culebra Road. San Antonio, TX 78284 - (512) 684-5111, Ext. 2046.


Dates:    March 25-29, 1985

Place:    Manassas. Virginia

Dates:    June 3-7,1985

Place:    San Diego, California

Objective: This yibration control course will include all aspects of yibration control except alignment and balancing. (These topics are covered in separate Institute courses.) Specific topics include active and passive isolation, damping, tuning, reduction of excitation. dynamie absorbers. and auxiliary mass dampers. The generał features of commercially avail-able isolation and damping hardware will be sum-marized. Application of the finite element method to predicting the response of structures will be presented; such predictions are used to minimize struć-tura! vibrations during the engineering design process. Lumped mass-spring-damper modeling will be used to describe the translational yibration behavior of pack-ages and machines. Measurement and analysis of yibration responses of machines and structures are included in the course. The course emphasizes the practical aspects of yibration control. Appropriate


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