Gr: wzorzec

Gr: wzorzec

Entry, Quality:    06-0696 1 PDF-S | P | _J

CAS Number:    7439-89-6_

Type:    Inor ganić. Minerał, Alloy

Formula:    Fe_

Name:    Iron / Iron, syn / bainite, ferrite, ledkunite

References: Swanson et al„ NBSCAA, IV, 3 (1955)

Weight, Volume: Dx, Dm:




5pace Group:    lrn-3m (229)

a, b, c:    2.8664

P' r _


Additional Patterns: To replace 00-001-1262. See PDF 01 -085-1410. Analysis: Total impurities of sample <0.0013% each metals and non-metals. Color: Gray, light gray metallic. General Comments: |-Fe (fcc)=(1390 C) a-Fe (bcc). Opaque Optical Data: Opaque minerał optical data on specimen frorn Meteorite: RR2Re= 57.7, Disp.=16, VHN=158 (mean at 100,200,300), Color values=.311, .316,57.9, Ref.: IMA Commisssion on Ore Microscopy QDF. Sample Preparation: The iron used was an exceptionally pure rolled sheet prepared at the NBS, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA., (Moore, G., J. Met., 5 1443 (1953)). It was annealed in an "H2" atmosphere for 3 days at 1100 C and slowly cooled in a He atmosphere. Temperature of Data Collection: Pattern taken at 298 K. Unit Celi Data Source: Powder Diffraction.


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