The digitai radio signais taił within the rreguenaes aiiocated to stations, the so-called FCC FM or AM masks, indicated by the orange area. Fe fm [tog! IBOC dlgita! sidebands are placed on either side or the analog nost signai, For AM ibottorrsj, the setup is similar except that, !n addition, some digitai carriers are also co-located in the region of the AM host itseif.
FCC FM mask
OFDM carriers (LSB)
<#>Signal power
Analog FM signai
f regueocy, kHz
Of OM = Of‘J\oqonat frepueney Pivision multiplwmg
LSB = Iow er sid«Łi-ancl USB = upper siijebsnd IBOC = irrband/on-chanriel