Not everybody gets M.S.
Most often it’s mommies and daddies.
M.S., Multiple Sclerosis,strikeg between the nges of 20 and 10. We don’t know why. Nor do we know the cure. It damages nerve tissue, often disabling its vietim.
In the case of young mothere and fathors respoasible for smali children, the burden can be intolerable. With heavy expeases and curtailed incomc the fnmily unit tindergoes strains thal threatcn its survival.
The aaswcr is in your pocket, Give.
You give hope because you help continue the worid wi<le rcsearch that must eventually find a cure. You give help becausc your gift provides medi-cal jmd other aid to assisl the pntient to lead a aseful and fruitfui life, even with MS.
Scnd your donation to your local chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Sodety.
Cł ve to fight Multiple Sclerosis. The great crippler of young adults.
257 Pj/k Avenu« South. N» Vo.k M V J0010
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