To Htlp Hair Growth
li ysur hair taft. luscruor tirauiifulf 0r t* It tłiin. strlnry. fadtdf D**» It aahiaca y*«r a*«ar*nc«—or apoil your Im kuł
You ar* lotlw if yo,r hatr ti tiul ruika fof norotil gwib
But II K f*1U out «Ml>V it y*u b«?» fltóy
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Yhouiiedt r*eo«Bi«nd KOTALKO. the Oijlio-
«ubh*d tiw prWir-rlH.-J.
Nrauie U I* * rtiliiśbl* al<! to »Mlp cntrgy Wtiifh rvni*ln» tb* ooly »uk« of hair «ru*th and tba to'.o naliiiiu agattut prermUMa baliliwat.
Do n*t kt scalp fangu* duli ytor hal dim your twu Unity, or lotcrfcrc wlth your cliann. SaUguar 1 yoar lialr! Kotal-ka I* wid at dra* steru ewywiitrt.
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KOTALKO CO., A-84, Crncral P. O., New York
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Fuli Addrtrr*.
TBKATMENT uuiUed on Proc Trlal If satisfled Gfiul $1; lf not. łt's Free. Writc ino for your treat-ment toduy.
W. K. STERLINE, 830 Ohio At-e., Sidney, Ohio
huiitmo v runu mu ut m rum uvu mu miii ttuiiuwton tw tmuiHCf-wt mu roug vun lii
VW*nr. *«>*%.
Or. jr. 0. IAffraBf
■pif BtHCioli* m-ltfi %3 Y*Bl%-aperUn*e 1
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Fret. ot Dr. Joi. $. Lipptrt Orntsl Lab.
* W-A 24 I. Va« Burcn $t„ Chicago
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