
$™dra Nowak i$ a beauty therapist. Sandra i$ ber first naroc and Nowak is her surnamc. She is PoJish. Shę is thirty-thret. She is married. She livc$ in Warsaw, Poland. She is the owner of a beauty salon called Tip-Top Beauty Studia The beauty salon is in the centre of Wansaw. Its address is 12 Poziomki Street and its phonc number is 826 34 09. Sandra js a highly qualified profcssionaL She has a diploma from the faculty oł cosmetology and a lot of certificates from different courscs. After 9 ycars of working as a beauty therapist, she also has a lot of cxpcdencc in the profession. She is very good at hęr ioh

The Tip-Top Beauty Studio offers a.fiill rangę of cosmcuc treatmems for men and women. Sandra follows all the devclopments and novel-des in beauty treatmems. She reads professional picss. She subsenbes to Polish professional penodicals for beauty thcnpms, called “Kosmetyka i kosmecologia” and “Piękno”. She wams to keep up to dafe. She im-pioves the offered thcrapies and adds ncw methods to her proccdures all the orne. The Studio employs beauty thcrapists, massage, thcrapists, makc-up ardsts, manicumts,- chiropodists^ nail design technidans, hair-dressers, as well as dermatologists, nutnuomsts and fitness trainen -All thesc fully qualified and highly skilled spccialists arc there rcady to servc the dients of the Studio with their widc offei of advice and treatment The Tip-Top Beauty Studio is a modem, pleasant and calm place. The interior is well designed and niccly decoratcd. The colours arc soft and warm, the furniture is functional and comfortablc. There is cnough toom both for dients to fed well and employees to work effidendy. The Street noise does not penetratc the building. There is always soft musie on playing Oicnts can have herbal tea, fresh fruit juices and minerał

beauty therapist -kosmetyczka owner - właściciel beauty - piękno beauty salon

-    salon piękności, gabinet kosmetyczny

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A Beauty Therapist


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