



Lak at ton

T003 Inflight Aerosol Analysis


DOW Radiation in Spacccraft


TOB Crcw Vehiclc Distur-bances


TO 18 Prccinon Instru-Optical Tracking mcm


T020 Foot-Con- OWS trollcd Man-cuvcring Unit D02I F.xpandabtc Outsidc Airiock Tech- In Space nology

DO24 Thcrmal Outside Control Castings In Space

T025 Coronagra ph Con-tamination T027 Con-tammation Mcasurc men t



M479 Zero-G Flammability


M5I2 Materials Processing



Dctcrminc thc aerosol particie oonccntration and siać dtsinbuuon in thc Skylab atmospbcrc as a funebon of timc.

Mca.sure and rccord thc absorbed radiation inside thc spacecraA to assurc astronaut awareness of any dangerous in radiation lcvcLs.

Mcasurc thc ctlccts of crcw motion on thc dynamie* of thcir spacccraA and dctcrminc how thcsc motion % aflcct bigh-accuracy pomling cKpcrimcnta.

Traci thc Saturn vchtdc with a laser*radar system during thc carly launch pbasc to dctcrminc iiftofi mottom.

Dctcrminc thc feasibility of Urn mancuvcang unit for astronaut translation and rotatioaal mancuvcrs in space.

Dcmonstratc thc feasibility of employing expandab!c structurcs in an Earth-orbital *nvironmcni.

Dctcrminc thc clfccts of thc ncar-Earth cnvironmcn( on thcrmal control coatutgs to garn ncw insight into thc mcchanisms of degradabon.

Monitor thc prcscncc of partieulatc matter in thc near v»onity ot thc spacccraft and providc measurcmcnts of thc soiar f-corona.

Mcasurc thc sky bnghtncss background causcd by sol ar iliumination of eon Lamina ńon partie I es around a spacccraft, and dctcrminc thc cffcct of contamioation on thc optical propcrtics of lenses and minors.

Dctcrminc thc eficcts of Zero-G on thc tlammability of nonmctallic materiał* in a spaccsuiL

Dctcrminc mollcn-metal flow charactcrotics under Zero-G and space sacuum conditions.


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