

168 Dearh of che Bodhisattva ofCreed Objectiw.








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A coalition of business interests forms the Meme Cooperative co scave off the Marsh popu list reforms of Par Padron.

Death of Prengal Surina.

Libertarian rebels, funded and organized by the bio/logics industry titans, storm a handful of major cicies in an atcempt to ovcrthro\v the Prime Com-mittee and the Defense and Wellness Council. Par Padron initiates martial law and putsdown thedistur-bances._

The bio/logics industry attempts to pack the Prime Commitcee with its appointees and paid lobbyists. Par Padron pushes through a resolution declaring that the people (via the Congress of L-PRACGs) will always hołd the majority of seats on the Committee._

Death of Par Padron.

A time of great economic and cultural scability world-wide, dubbed afterward as the Golden Age. A resur-gence in creedism results in the formation of the Creeds Coalition.

Birth of Marcus Surina.

Almost all infants outside of the Pharisee and Islander territories are bom and raised in hives. Life expectan-cies rise dramatically.

Creed Thassel is founded.

The first fiefcorp is established, and rules governing its srructure are encoded by the Meme Cooperative. Most people see fiefcorps as a boon to society, hel ping the underprivileged gain skills and putting them on a track to social empowerment.



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