ROSI' BUD Red. p-nk or Silw |
B C |
BOOKMARKS: Fimshed Size cpprox. 160mm x 30mm |
Backstitch from A to a |
Cut 3?5mm brg (to aliow to- mitrę if reguired) | |
by 30 to 35mm \*=de, fo<J m holf ofter aittira | |
(miss 3) |
^ V |
f irst mitrę, then cut Second end. |
frem A round tc B |
V V> \ |
OOjble Si<Jed topę to f ix the two Sayers tegether |
Stort 0901 n from C |
; X \ | |
work round to D |
\ : . * |
• • |
If you hnve c Fiskars corner cutter. mitrę the |
(miss 5) |
erdS ord punch. You C«« abo odd a tawei | |
Stort c^omot Eond work round to F |
X W < |
{irstmerions for tassels with ary fon Paftern) |
Stort agom ot 0 (miss 3) |
You cen ijw. a dif fercr.t colour urderneath: | |
work round to H |
// |
Cui the top loyer 30mm x 160mm ord cut the cotoured loyer slightly brger (sery 40nm X 180mm) |
STtMS & CAI.VX Greeri or silver Bockstitch |
// |
Irurrroctions for cut tmę mitres On seporote Sh«t |
To make i! eoSicr to follcw the pottern. <*05łse-s hove beer used os links between the ćots - these ort NO i stitches
f LOWEft CEN' &E Vonegated w Gole Spiral Stitch
la-o, a-i, ? - o. a - i.etc
Cr©SS-ov«r Stitch
Ib-o. 9-.. 10 -o. Z-i.
3-0. 11-.. l?-o. 4-i.
5 - o, 13 -1. 14 - o, 6 -1, etc.
DIAMONDS Va-iegete<l, Silverorgc*d
(Notę: rhe r»o ot e.ther entf <re slighfly different from fheones between)
Work end one foHowing A. B. C.erc to <nv«J confwSion ».tłi the Jerten/g, the instructionS fer the rcxl 3 bbeks <re showr. fwtber do»n.
STARS Spirol Stitch
Werk from the cutsidc to the centrę.
1 - o, A - i, 2 - o, A - l...___
Notę: W herc the hole ha: to take lot: of threads. slightty enlarge only thoie Kolei w»Th o blgger pin_
Su9gested threeds Rosc Dusty Rosc Wondcrfil 1108 Leaves/Stems Deep Grttn WonderFil 4155 OfherS Mr.t t far 2108 Sold or 2 /Ol Silyer
© COpyni^i' ?fl05 Fmwr A Li/ Kety Pri;h •* Stitch HctpKkt Car*
•tam pockr*l<khiOifl