M156 i

M156 i


1.    nepen Hana^OM pa6orbi oÓMeTaiue wpaa KaHBbi, mo6bi M36e>KaTb ee ocbinaHHn.

2.    OTMeTbTe neHTp Ha wycne KaHBbi v\ Beflme OTcneT K/ieToneK ot Hero. Ba>KHo, htoćw roTOBas pa6oia pacnonara/iacb no peHTpy Kycna KaHBbi, a nycTbie no/ia no KpaaM 6bmn oflMHaKOBOM mnpnHbi. Ha KycKe KaHBbi Bbino/iHHTe BbiiuMBKy KpecTOM no cxeMe. paóoibi ncno/ib3yMTe KO/iHnecTBo Hmeki My/iMHe, yKa3aHHoe b ycnoBHbix o6o3HaHeHMBx Ha cxeMe. riepefl Hana/ioM paóoTbi cooTHecme pBeia My/uiHe c cMMBo/iaMH Ha cxeMe (HOMepa geemoe ho cxewe coomBememBytom HOMepaM Humeu Ha KapmonKe). fl/ia CTe>KKOB KpecTOM cnepBa BbinO/lHBHTe HkOKHHe CTe>KKM B ropM30HTa/lbH0M M/1M BepTHKa/lbHOM HanpaB/ieHMH. 3aTeM - BepXHHe, flBMraBCb b oópaTHOM HanpaBneHMH. rioc/ie Bbino/ineHHa Bcex cTe>KKOB KpecTOM u no/iyKpecroM, BbiweiiTe oKaHTOBOH-Hbie CTe>KKH u 0paHuy3CKne y3e/iKM TaM, rfle sto Heo6xoAHMO.

C/iedume, nmoóbi cmemnu óbinu He c/iulukom CBododHbiMU u He c/iuuikom myeuMu, UMenu hok/ioh b oóhom u moM we Hanpae/ieHuu. Mcnpae/ifiume ruioxoe HamaweHue Humu Ha hu>khux cme>KKax. He denaume d/WHHbix npomaweK Humeu (He 6o/iee mpex KpecmuKOB) c u3hohouhou cmopoHbi KaHBbi, max kok ohu Moeym npocBeHueamb cnugeBou cmopoHbi. Hu e KoeM c/iynae He denaume ysejtKoe! Humb 3aKperuiaume b 2-3 nocnedHux cmewKax padoM c MecmoM BBoda uznbi b mKaHb. kl3HOHOHHaa cmopona BbimuBKU donwHa Bbie/iademb aKKypamno, 6e3 y3enKoe u kohhukob Humeu.

3.    06pa6oTafiTe roTOByio BbiimiBKy: nocTHpaCiTe b Ten/ion BO/je Heme/ionHbiMH cpefldBaMH, oócyLume b no/io-TeHpe u npornaflbTe c M3HaHOHHOM aopoHbi Ha matkom noACTM/iKe ao no/iHoro BbicbixaHna.

4.    0$opMMTe roTOByio paóoiy.

JKe/iaeM BaM yAanw u npmiTHoro flocyra!


1.    To prevent fraying you can oversew each edge by hand or with a machinę.

2.    Work your Cross Stitches in accordance with the chart.

For cross stitching use the indicated on the chart number of strands. Before you start embroidering iden-tify your colors by comparing them with the symbols on the chart (the codę numbers on the chart correspond to the numbers specified on the thread boards). Mark the centre of the fabric and start counting the sells only from this point. Start embroidery from big square with self-color design in the centre of the fabric first. Work all the bottom stitches in horizontal and vertical direction first. Then - the upper ones moving in reverse direction. After all the stitches are accomplished, add any outlining and French knots, foLlowing instructions given on the chart.

Keep the tension ofyour stitches neither toose, nor tight, and incline them in the same direction. Correct deficient thread tension on bottom stitches. Don't make long stitches on back side of the fabric as they can be seenfrom the front side. Don't make knots! Hołd an inch of thread behind the fabric and secure it by working your first severai stitches over it. Back side should be neat, without knots and thread ends.

3.    How to clean and press your finished design.

Hand wash your work in warm water with a mild washing powder or liquid, not a detergent. Roli the design into the towel. While pressing, lay it face down on a towel and use iron until it is fully dry.

4.    Decorate your finished design.

0603HAHEHME HA CXEME BblUIMBATb HA KAHBE Symbols on the chart Embroider on the fabric

1/2 Kpeaa Half cross stitch

Ctokok KpecTOM Cross stitch

LUob "Ha3aA Hro/wy"

(ncno;ib3yeTCfl am oightobkh) Back stitch (for outlining)

flo/IHblM KpecT ySi Fuli cross stitch

3/4 Kpeaa

2-A    3/4 cross stitch

1/4 Kpeaa (ae>KOK Bbino/iHHeroi H3 yrna b ueHTp mieTKM) 1/4 cross Stitch (stitch from corner to the centre ofthe celi)

lHUTb    2 HMTU    OpaHąy3CKHH y3eiłOK

1 strand    2 strands    French knot

1 - 3/4 Kpeaa; 2 -1/4 Kpeaa (Bbióop uBeia newna \/Aj onpeAe/ifleTca no pMcyHKy w 3abucht or KOHiypa 3ano/iHeHHfl)

1 - 3/4 cross stitch; 2-1/4 cross stitch (coloris indicated on the chart and dependsfrom the outline filling)

1    - 1/4 Kpeaa (ctokkh pa3Horo UBeTa)

2    - OKaHTOBKa (ctokok TpeTbero useTa)

1    -1/4 cross Stitch (stitches ofdifferent colors)

2    - outlining (stitch ofthe thud color)


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