Fig. 2-28 — lnductive and capacitive reactance vs. frequency. Heayy lines represent multiples of 10, intermediate light lines multiples of 5; e.g., the light linę between 10 ftHand100/tHrepresents50MH, the light Ime between 0.1 /JF and 1 /UF represents 0.5 [1F, etc. Intermediate values can beestimated with the help of the interpolation scalę.
Reactances outside the rangę of the chart may be found by applying appropriate factors to values within the chart rangę. For example, the reactance of 10 henrys at 60 cycles can be found by taking the reactance to 10 henrys at 600 cycles and dividing by 10 for the 10-times decrease In freguency.
Example: The reactance of a coil having an inductance of 8 henrys, at a freąuency of 120 cycles, is
Xh = 27I/L * 6.28 X 120 X 8 = 6029 ohms