wWorking wilh perforated findings^
Strinn hctufe onto headpins or eyepins, rontu! end3 and altach to othor cnrrtpołiurils. Si*ce bolh entte of eyepins can bo rcunrierl, thcy cari be comblrec! to form a rshnin
Strinę hs.iitr. or> btadpri, l«avirg 7-3mm at eod Cu: ewesswith wlre-cuneis.
nound and until it
forirss an Ettrsctlve circle riąhl uj 305I1SI cdge of beac
Fiilliw yrcccdure tor lOmuTmu cnds ot hMiJpiii'; showr a* lal* Make sute eirr.lfiS3t«niRaic ttifl sama r.oe amt face Ihe same Cirector. For some pi»*s. enco irayoe balata OCE argle finward).
C!o$i ClfCtłwilh flalrose p-:«rs.
PiUfariitraj lindlr>33 provtd« a good toundalirm tor bearlwoik wilh sonre volume.
Aflćr attachłng bSJih lo timjirg, stiite tiie lwu fiftfdifins loodlicr, catchirg tfft tiftiil tabŁ
Eerd renalnirg tabs dwn. race u test* brtween pficts and fimilrg to prctcct fceads .miii tliróad.
Ccmpteted piwr
Headpins fieft) Eyepins(right)
(Sufi ii lsłruotions abov».)
Pioł nftisJ lor tho prc-;ects in this measure o.fi-o ?nm in dameter.
Perforated findings
(See instruktors above.) Pnrłorp.tod b8CKS 3~C nnos
These aro decorative iiruliiui^ tka: cowtrooe end ot a lii::nl Chocse a siro that fits tho hcacb you are ujing.
Necklace clamp
Used to fiftCnrf! nrcte of ribboo. Cnoofii: .-i si» to rratch mdtfi ot ritilnn ynu areusing.