Darta of panel imes which extend Delów the waist me in stłapess biocks a-e modelled in the same way as the basie hip błock on oage 28. Choose an appropnate towar edge for the błock. The towar edge of the błock may be any shape. bu: if joined to a skin section. the top edge of the skirt must follow the same linę.
Bustters. derived frem a foundotion garmont. eon bo worn for day and oven ngwoar either as a bodco or ovor a bod co and skirt. Traditionally boned and fastened with leciryg. they can now featuro zips or buttons and can be mado in anything from ve vet to denim The bjstiers featured here onty neod very smali pleces of fabric to follow the curvos of the busi
Tape the stand fcllowirg the seamlmes on the bustior design Use smali scraps of fabric. Measure the ength ano Width of each tmy section and add a smali amount to each side for hand mg. Model the sections m any order Follow the taped out mes prcoseiy to achieve the crisp fimsh which •s a feature of this type of garment.