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can continue to speak of "likeness" wichout ever having scen the model. As in the case of most of Nadar’s portraits (or of Avedon's, today): Guizot is "like" becausc hc eon* forms to his myth of austerity; Dumas, swoi len, beaming, becausc* I already know his self-importance and his fecundity; Offenbach, becausc I know that his musie has something (reputedly) witty about it; Rossini looks falsc, cvcn crookcd (the scmblance that rcsembles); Marcelinę Dcsbordes-Valmorc reproduccs in her face the slightly stupid virtues of her vcrses; Kropotkin has the bright eyes of anarchizing idealism, etc. 1 sce them all, I can spon-tancously cali them "likenesses" becausc they conform to what f expect of them. A proof a conłrario: finding myself an uncertain, amythic subject, how could I find myself “like"? All I look like is other photographs of myself, and rhis ro infinity: no one is ever anything but the copy of a copy, real or mental (at most, 1 can say thar in certain photographs I endure myself, or not, depending on whether or not 1 find myself in accord with the image of myself I want to give). For all its banał appearance (the first thing one says about a portrait), this imaginary anal-ogy is fuli of extravagancc: X shows mc the photograph of one of his friends whom Ite has talked about, whom I havc nevcr scen; and yet, I tell myself (I don’t know why), 'Tm surę Sylvain doesn't look like that.” Ulti-mately a photograph looks like anyonc cxccpt the person it represenrs. For resemblance refers to che subfcct’s identity, an absurd, purely legał, even pcnal affair; likeness givcs out identity "as irself," whereas I want a subject —in Mallarme’s terms—"as into itsclf eternity transforms

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it.” Likeness leavcs mc unsarisftcd and somehow skeptical (ccrrainly this js the sad disappoinnnent I expericnce Iooking at the ordinary photographs of my mothcr— whereas the only one which has gi%rcn me the splendor of her ttuth is precisely a lost, remott photograph, one which does not look "like" her, the photograph of a child I ncvcr



But morę insidtous, morę penetrating than likeness: rhe Photograph sometimes makes ap-pear what we never see in a real face (or in a face rełlected in a mirror): a genecic feature, the fragment of oneself or of a relative which comes from some anccsror. In a ccrtain photograph, I have my father’s sis-ter's "look.” The Photograph gives a little truth, on condi-tion that it parcels out the body. But this truth is noc that of the individual, who remains irreducible; it is the truth of lineage. Sometimes I am mistaken, or at least I hesi-tatę: a medallion represents a young woman and her child: surcly that is my mothcr and myself? But no, it is her mothcr and her son (my uncle); I dont know this so much from the clothes (che etherealized photograph does not show much of them) as from the structure of the face; betw-een my grandmother’s face and my mothers there has been the incidence, the flash of the husband, the fa-ther, which has refashioned the countcnancc, and so on down to me (the baby? nothing morę neutral). In the


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