PRI c 06Ęmps corp

PRI c 06Ęmps corp


Company „CAMPS Corp” specializes in organizing boat courses forstudents. You have been asked to

analyze the rcąuircmcnts for system for “Camps Corp”:

1.    On the camp students takes part in various courses (unique name, number of hours of classes). Courses are composed of classes. Each class is characterized by name, type (theory or practice), and maximum number of participants. Schedule of a course is fixed in such a way that within each day of course there are from 1 to 3 classes. A class can be a part of many courses and within each course it can vary in length (each class can last from 1 to 4 hours). Length of a class within a course can be changed but no morÄ™ then by 1 hour at once.

2.    Classes are carried on by teachers (personal data, list of skills). A class can have at most 5 teachers assigned. One of the teachers assigned to the class within a course is chosen as the boss of the course.

3.    A course is located at a particular location. For each location address and province is known. Each course has status that can be “planned”, “archived” or “active” (information of archived courses are kept for 5 years and then are deleted).

4.    During courses students learn to go by different types of boats (we know a type, an identification number composed of 5 digits, some types of boats can have names). Each course has assigned up to 6 different types of boats. One type of boat can be used on many different courses. Boats are divided into sailing boats, motor boats and others (other types have not been yet specified by the company). For a sailing boat: a size of sail and a materiaĹ‚ the sail is madÄ™ of, and the company that madÄ™ the sail (there is only one such a company i.e. “SAILY”) are known. For each motor boat engine capacity is stored.

5.    From the other side boats can be divided into sea boats, river boats, and iake boats. Currently, the analysis cover only sea boats. For each such a boat maximum size of crew is known. A boat can combine features of different kinds of boats.

6.    Some courses finish with the exams for patents. It may happen that the same patent can be obtained after different courses. Patents allows to go by specified types of sailing boats and/or on specified kinds of motor boats. Each patent have name, and issuer (“Camps Corp.”) A course can finish with the particular patent only if among types of boats assigned to the course are all boats

~ that the patent gives permission to sail with.

7.    Same patents can have predecessors i.e. patents required to be able to take an exam for a particular patent. A patent can have many predecessors and it can be predecessor for at most 10 other patents.

8.    Each patent gives a set of different permissions. A permission is related only to one course. For each permission is known a name, a type of boat, and a type of waters (sea, lakÄ™, or river).

9.    System should allow for:

•    Finding classes that are taught on the course on a particular day (e.g. day one, day two, etc.)

•    Finding the longest course (i.e. with the highest number of hours of classes)

•    Evaluating the maximum speed for each type of boats. For the sailing boats it is evaluated based on the size of sail whereas for motor boats based on engine capacity

•    Evaluating mean time to service. The algorithm of evaluation is the same for all types of boats except for sailing boats

•    Defining new course giving name, or giving name and patent.


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