land or buildings REAL ESTATE

starting a new company by selling shares in it on the Stock Exchange (GB) FLOTATION starting a new company by selling shares in it on the Stock Exchange (l S) INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING

to guarantee that a share issue will be sold by agreeing to buy all shares which are not

subscribed UNDERWRITE

ordinary shares EQUITIES

value written on a share (n) NOMINAŁ VALUE

value written on a share (p) PAR VALUE

value written on a share (f) FACE VALUE

figurę based on the current market price of certain shares on the Stock Exchange STOCK INDEX

period when share prices rise because people are optimistic and buy shares BULL MARKET period when share prices fali because shareholders are selling sińce they believe the market will fali further BEAR MARKET

about a company whose shares can be bought or sold on the Stock Exchange (1) LISTED about a company whose shares can be bought or sold on the Stock Exchange (q) QUOTED to offer shares to the generał public for the first time GO PUBLIC to do better than other companies OUTPERFORM rescue of a company in financial difficulties BAILOUT

anticipated performance of a share, compared to the market in generał ALPHA measurement of the return on investment in a certain stock compared against a one percentage point return on the stock market in generał: it shows the volatility in the price of the share BETA

when a lot of people buy shares in a company that is financially weak, with the result that the price of shares becomes much higher than their real value BUBBLE

shares which receive their dividend before all other shares, and which are repaid first (GB) PREFERENCE SHARES

shares which receive their dividend before all other shares, and which are repaid first (US) PREFERRED STOCK

risk-free stock of a good company, with a good record of dividends BLUE CHIP

to agree to sell at a futurę datę shares that you do not possess, but you thinkyou will be able to

buy for less before the time comes when you have to sell them SHORT

investment fund consisting of shares in all the companies which are used to calculate a Stock Exchange index INI)EX FUND

market in shares which are not listed on the Stock Exchange OVER-THE-COUNTER MARKET value of an asset after it has been depreciated in the company's accounts RESIDUAL VALUE day on which shares that have been bought must be paid for ACCOUNT DAY script issue where a company transfers money from reserves to share Capital and issues free extra shares to the shareholders BONUS ISSUE

amount to be paid above the nominał value of a share in order to buy it SHARED PREMIUM shares which receive a dividend after all other dividends have been paid DEFERRED SHARES person who believes that market will rise and therefore buys shares BULL person who sells shares because he thinks the price will fali and he will be able to buy again morę cheaply BEAR

person who subscribes for a large quantity of a new issue of shares hoping to sell them immediately to make a profit STAG

person who works in an organization and therefore knows its secrets INSIDER person or organization whose job is arbitrage ARBITRAGEU


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