TEST 1 (20 |>ts)
(8 pts) Your company has been asked to develop a system for a newspaper publisher company. Your manager talked with John Smith - chief of editors at the newspaper. Based on notes from their meeting (given helów), analyze reąuirements and create an use case diagram for the system from user’s perspective.
Main role of the editing department is writing articles. These articles are classified depending on categories (categories constitute a hierarchy, where category can have sub-categories and at most one super-category). Company employs editors, trainees and others.
Information on articles, categories of articles and tasks assigned to employees should be kepi in the developed system.
In the system editors create categories. They also build hierarchy of categories i.e. assign categories to super-categories. Therefore, if a new category is crcated it can be added (linked) to super-category.
Editors assign articles to categories. A single article can be assigned to many categories and a new category can be added to article any time.
Editors create new articles in the system. When an article is created it has to be assigned to at least one category. While adding an article the editor can also give access rights to this article to other editors and trainees. He can also set status of an article to “hidden” which means that even the chief editor will not have access to it.
System should be useful to chief of editors to assign tasks to his/her editors. Main results of the task are articles - e.g. if an editor has a task to analyze president election, tlien the results of this task can be articles on candidales, debates between them, etc. Any time the editor can check which tasks are assigned to him/her in the system. The editor cannot create article without assigning a task.
The chief of editors can search for articles writtcn by a particular editor.
While the chief of editors creates a task, he/she should attribute it to at least one editor.
Ali tasks have statuses (likc attributed, finished, in progress, etc). Status can be changed by the chief of editors.
In the system the editors and the chief of editors should be able to check status of the
The chief of editors should have access to all functions of the system that editors have.
Trainees can browse articles in the database. They can also search for an article based on given criteria (e.g. category). Main responsibility of trainees is searching the database of the system for articles interesting from editor’s point of view. If a trainee finds such an interesting article he/she prints it and gives it to the editor. Editors and the chief editor have access to all functionality of trainees in the system.
The chief of editors gives assessments to editors and trainees. While giving assessment to a particular editor the chief of editors can search for articles written by the editor.
Editors and trainees can then check their assessment. Based on this assessment chief of editors can generate a ranking of employees.
Once a week system generates an report on tasks completion progress.
System should cooperate with payroll system, for which it should provide information on assessment of editors.