2. (3 pts) Define UML notions: actor, use case, interaction, scenario. What are relationships between them? Is John Smith an actor for the system above?
3. (2 pts) Can a system be an actor for itself? If so, give an example based on use case diagram from task 1.
4. (3 pts) Choose and describe a scenario for “adding new article” function based on reąuirements from task 1. Based on this scenario identify auxiliary use cases and create corresponding use case diagram. Give an example extension of this scenario.
5. (2 pts) What is generalization (or inheritance) relationship between actors? Why it might be help ful? Illustrate your answer using an example from task 1.
6. (2 pts) Shortly describe situations below: cJLLo-caju<?3 flnwftko oCł
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