

types ensures the compatłttlity cf cgupm ent of dverse origtis

Standard zabon of connecbons and nterfaces of all interoperabtiity of dfferent techndodes.

Agreement on test mothods ailows meanngM companscns of products, or piays an important part in controłng pollubon -whether by noce, wbrabon or emisswns. Safety standards fcr machinefy protect pcopłe at worit, at play, at sea... and at me dcnbsfs.

Without the International agreement contamed m ISO standards on cjuanbties and ur*ts, shcpęmg and bade wwid bo hophazard, scence woiid be - unsaentiftc - and techndogical devotópment wootd be handcapped.

Moro than haff a nulfcon orgadzabons in morę 60 countnes aro łmptoncnbng ISO 9000 which prcMdes a framework for quality managcment throughout the processos of produOng and delivering products and scnaccs for the custcmer.

ISO 14000 enwonmentai management Systems are hełping organ zaoons of dl types to *nprove mer enrircnmental performance at me same bme as maWng a posibyc impact on business rcsults.

What makes ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 so spccial

The ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 famiiies are among ISO* most wkJety known and successfd standards ever. ISO 9000 has beoome an International reference for quality requłrcments in business to business dealings, and ISO 14000 locks set to achtevc at teast as much, if not morę, (n hefping engamzabons to meet their enwonmental challenges.

The vast majonty of ISO standards are Nghły speofic to a parbcUar product, materiał, or process. However, the standards that have earned the ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 famiiies a woridwkJe reputaBon are known as "genenc managcment system standards*. "Genenc" means that the same standards can be appłed to any organizaben, large or smali, whatcvcr its prodict -indodng whether its "product" is actually a scrvscc • in any sector of activtty, and whether it ts a business enterpnse, a pętle admirtstrabon, or a govemment department. •Management system" refers to what the orgamzabon does to manage its processes, or actwbcs. "Genertc" aiso agnfies that no matter what the orgadzaden is or does, if it wants to estaWish a cjuairty management system or an cmtronmental management system, then such a system has a number of csscntial foatures which are spelled out In the rełcvant standards of the ISO 9000 or ISO 14000 famiiies.

ISO 9000 ts conccmcd with "quafety management". This means what the organizabon does to enhance customer satisfactton by meebng customer and appłcable regulatory reqmrements and conbnually to imprcwe its performance in this regard. ISO 14000 is pnmanly ooncemed with "enMronmentai managemenr. This means what the organizatton does to mwimize harmfii effeas on the cnwonment caused by its actrrtbes, and continuatty to imprc*e its enrironmental performance.


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