screenshot 21

screenshot 21

Overviev/ Global Settings Help FAQ

1Y SEO Ultimate Plugin Settings

Global Settings Import Export Reset Upgrade Downgrade Reinst.

Import SEO Ultimate Settings File

You can use this form to upload and import an SEO Ultimate settings file stored on your Computer. (These files can be created using the Export tool.) Notę that importing a file will overwrite your existing settings with those in the file.


Import Settings File

Import Deeplink Juggernaut CSV File

You can use this form to upload and import a Deeplink Juggernaut CSV file stored on your Computer. (These files can be created using the Export tool.) Notę that importing a file will overwrite your existing links with those in the file.


Import CSV File

Import from Other Plugins

You can import settings and data from these plugins. Clicking a plugin's name will take you to the importer page, where you can customize parameters and start the import.

Ali in One SEO Pack Import post data (custom title tags and meta tags).


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