Coafiek the sentcnce beIcm. r*e ntf łtodifd Frcnch Mor.
uwit win
Complcte Ok seateace Ibcie łie cwly IW*
Tmm OpSOl
_ Wt oa tbe coane, w y*Md bclter boot ma.
Does ik pcicc aicL^e
100. Complete thedialogne bekm »kh aa appoofriate ««d. A: I went to sec tlić Intcst Almodów film B: *«it ftfrf_good?
01. Complete the dialogi
A: What Mln£
B: Novels and shotl storics.
nKelow wilh an a ('_of tli
ppioprinte Mord
of thlnga doaa he wite?
102. Complete the dialoguc betów with an appioprlate woni.
— A: What dkl you do last night? t ]
B: I juW itaywd al honw. Whal OhflUt >*o»i‘ł
A: I went lo Ihnl new dtib llwyS* just opened.
SllOrl Aninu
103. Write the foad nom thal cotlocates with al of tle adjcclhes Oo—. fceshMicatMala f
IIH. Write On bod no— M cotkoeałrs «Ńk al of the a^Ktim Wo«* ■MWbakmUwMhnl
^FoTo-e^ ■
the food nowa M ccilocates willi al of Ihe a§rdiirs Arna
106. Write the food roaa diet cdloeates wilh BlloflheadieelWesjhowa.
100. Write <n word orph»ateo»TnpomliRglo On defmilkm helów. Iha place whemtwow moie romfc meel mM c»wa eaeh odtef.
II): A
IW. Wrile llie word or plunie concipomling lo lite delhiition helów.
A largo nnc«;vj,J, rown of scal* all round ii. wlicre peoplo go lo wnirli aport* bclitn pla>ed. O- frpQ’ ^ ł '.i
110. Wrile (lic woni or plunąć coriciponding lo the dcfinilion helów A palli lotjwdęslrlnni llint goc* iinder n bnsy rond.
111. Wrile llie woni o/plime correspoudlng lo the dednillon helów ed. giwnnnd yellpw lighlt tliat nie uird lo conlrol Ihc Iranie.
112. Wrllo llie woni or plunie cone*|«omling lo llie delliiilioN helów.
A elicie wheio scjcinJ ronda nwd ('ani diłic nronml il umil lliey fiini llie mml ihel ihey wnm lo lale
O rOjyvn\>*)i
113. Wrile Ihc woni or plunie coirriponding lo llie dcliniiion helów TJię plnce wheie moioiUli inułl *top to lei pedestrians cross lite rond.
iPCOTOrr1 t
Retpood loIhe quesłioii usingUVhe * a suiiable co«np»intivc ndjc<llve.
Do you wnnl lo go by Irahi or l»y but?
LH't go by naln Ml he mor* cowfimubl*.
A: Shnll we wnlfc or go hv loxi? • , » •
*^/’s yr> hi • *’ ’• a \h*.Wr,
A: Shłll nr waKli iIk football lt«e pJP yj . •
V Zf-ii.■ ’\ i! »ĄS)t*
A: Poyoo wam lo go thn* iw Wy e» Scfcmbcr? i »
po h.j » ?? - ./ /■■■»«*• - h»
Wrile iW sport crernpn—ling lo lt> defiańif hdwr.
\ sport played on lec wHIi hmg rticki. Endi lenni Irics lo hK a imali. Hm ob)cd lalo tl* oiher lenni* goai.
AtP hst< A cj j
Wrile Ihe sport coiieipondlng lo llie dclliillioii lielow.
A^wrl jhcjjbe lyipi*liyloscocegooliby llnowingaInrgobali Ihnmgliabiglidicularod
Wrile Ir sprał imryfJiif Ir die irfniio* brfea A troi nkn i»i|tr«m Iń a hall mn a high net wilh ibcłr hands
120. Rewiile the qneslioii im nn indiiecl ipKilioii.
Doca he speak ręcucli? f
Do you know ___)w~ yrv!: ----