l'lg. 7.8: Germattuti uf Qp$ iifimlt
m ijir<-ct icau lo lite P-code is only po&sibSc lot ieceivt’is ihnt w*1 I wiih ihe GP$ lyiiein linię, and located a(a sile willi tx«dly '^nowfł !:> why ihe wćśs lo tite P codo i$ in generał tu.hiiivoil will) thf »td of W *| pt l /A rodi via ihe Hunit Ovrr Woht (IIOW). I he ł IOW , <nH-uiv'v ihe *<1-$$$} mi '.iiid ippeiff >n evcry sublrame d ihe data sigitał (d \11 S\% t u' / >:
4 u ihe; mUjir number of I S-iecuml periods mihc the hftgtnmiii ni ideniiflei ihe epoch of a dala ret ord m GPS timr ii om W .tii)Viifć tlw P codf withm ihr nexi su .econds.