Najstarsze miasta świata
Historical region |
Location |
ContincoLGly irfebited sirce |
f-totes |
Le.ant |
Y/est Bank |
Chalcolithic (3000 BC orearlier) |
Tracę; of habitation from 9000 BC Fortifications datę to 68 00 BC (o re arii er), ma king Jen di o the earliest knownwalled dty. Eudence indicates thatthe city w® ab and on ed severaltimes, and later expanded and rebuiltseveral times. |
Le\ent |
Lebanon |
Chalcolithic (ca. 5000 BC) |
S ett le d from t he Ne o lith ic (ca rbo n-dati ng tes ts hava s et t he age of ea rliest s ettl em ent a rou n d 7000), a "town" sińce the 3rd millennium BC. Byblos had a reputationas the “oldeit city in the wo rl d “ i n Anti qu itv (accordi ne t o P h il o of Bybl cg ). |
Le\ent |
Syria |
ChaIcolithidea. 4300 BC) 3000 BC |
Exca\ations atTel Ramad onthe outskirts ofthe city have demonstrated that DamasciG wz i n ha bite d as eariy as 8000 to 10,000 EC. However, Da mas cus is not documentedas an important city until the comine ofthe Aramaearo around!400 BC. See reference for pres ence ofurban life amongcattle herden; atthb datę — ab o dueto land fertility and constant watersource. |
Elam |
Khuzestan. Iran |
Chalcolithic (q. 4200 BC) |
Bddence of occupation from about 5500 BC |
Le\ant |
Lebanon |
? |
There g eudencethat Sidon was inhabited from as longago as 4000 BC., and perhaps,a; eariy as Neolithictimes (6000-4000 B.C) ContinuoLG habitation at least sińce Phoe ni da n ti mes (1000 BC). |
Lower Eeypt |
Faiyum Governorate. Eeypt |
ca. 4000 BC | |
Anatolia |
S o uth ea;t ern Anat ol ia. Tu rkey |
ca. 3650 BC |
Thb g db puted. althoueh most moderns diolars place the Classical Antiochia ad Taurum at Gaziantep, s orne maintain that it was in fact located at Aleppo. Furthermore, that the two dties occupythesame site g far from establb hed fact 6 ee Gaziantep). Ass uminethb to be the cas e. the datę offoundinethe pres ents ite would be inthe region of 1.000 EC. (see Gaziantep) |
Le\ent |
Lebanon |
habitation from ca. 3000 BC ContinuoLG habitation at lećGts ince Phoenician times (1000 BC). | |
Le\ant |
Israel and dbputed fcee positiorG onJemsalem) |
2800 BC | |
Le\ant |
Lebanon |
2750 BC | |
Mesopotamia |
Kurdbtan Autonomous Reejon. Iraq |
2300 BCorearlier | |
Mesopotamia |
KirkukGovernorate. Iraq |
3000-2200 BC | |
Le\snt |
Syria |
ca. 2000 BC |
Byidence of occupation sińce about 5000 BC. |
Po Vallev |
Lombardy. Italy |
ca. 2000 BC |
Villagesettlementsińce ca.2000 BC; becamean Etmscan atyinthe 6th century BC. |