table ebjtniwyjisxeq5

table ebjtniwyjisxeq5

Pale, cool peripheries. Pulse 110, regular. Weak/thready, BP 95/60

Unconscious (AVPU scalę). No response to voice orpainful stimuli.

Multiple lacerations to the back, approximately 10-30 cm in length, recent origin. Smali abrasions and bruises to face. Large swelling, lateral aspect of left proKimal humerus.


Female, approx. 20 yrs, injuries consistent with multiple extemal violence (inflicted with whip?). Shocked, signs of decompensation.

1.    Likely intra-abdominal bleed, spienić source

2.    Fracture left humerus.

Transfer to ITU for continued care. . .


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