disconncct oil pipę to front cylinder. Ptmove «park pługi and prtmlng cup, d.M>Tnnrtt !nw.-i sc. «i..n% of valvt *le*vct. mnovt cylinder cap nut«. Cylin! der now \% free to Iw liftc.i ofl. a* in illuitrntlon*. Havc pliton at bottom of .trok* when lifting cylinder off. When cy linder ii free, lift itraight up until ,t touchcs framc and t.lt iłdewayi, as ahown in illustraUons (Figurę I, p||).
To dbmount the rcar cylinder, follow tlić same proceduro as with the front, disconncct feed pipcs frotn oil tank to both pump* and remove tank.
Ćarlwn can licst I* removed with spccial serapers which can »>c hought (rom the dealer or an auto acccssory supply houae. A long serów-drivcr or wood chisrl will do in licu of a scraper.
Bcforc replacing a cylinder sec that the cylinder seat gasket is in good R. place it ii it is not; otherwise it will leak oil at this point. Be surę that all the surfaces and gasket arc perfcctly clean.
When replacing a cylinder draw down on the cap nuti evcnly. Do not tighten one way up. then another. Keep the strain evcnly distributed. After a day or two the cylinder will havc had a chancc to set and the cap nuts should be tried again. It may be possible to tighten them tnore. Sometimes this may be done several limes beforc the cap nuts bccome fully tightened.
Gasoline and a brush arc best for cleaning greasc and oil from the outsidc of the motor. 'I ry all nuts and bolts regularly.
If the machinę shows a falling ofif in power and vpetd. as indu ated by the speedoraeter, and therc is no undue "play" belween valves and tappets, test the com-prcs^ioin of the engine by standing on starter pedał with compre^łon on, or pulling the rcar wheel over slowly with the ge ir - and clutch engaged. lf the engine turns over ca*-i!v against compression, there is a leak, either through the valves or piston rings. It is usually the fortner, and is reinedicd by regrinding with fine emery I*owder and oil mixed to a pastę or with valve grinding compound, on ale by all dealer*.
The eahamt valvc rcąuires grinding oftener than the mtakc valve. bccausc it is moro exposcd to the blast o! the burnt gao s which cause pitting and warping.
■ . J° r.cm”ve an>' valvc* remove the hexagon cap mttie cyhndcr head which covers the valve. A spccial
enefa is pros.ded which f.ts all cy linder head caps n*y tum to U* Wt to rtmove. P" Flgure P12
1917 Powerplus Motor. Sbowmj Pnnapl