

diwonnect oil pipr to (ront cylinder, rcnmvc ••purk pług* and primłrtg rupi, diMiłnnm lower scrtłoni of v*lvc «1cevcs, rrtnovc cylinder cnp mdi. Cylm der now i* fnre to be lifted off, a i in Ulustrationa. Iluvc pluton at bot tom of «tmke w hen lifting cylimlrr off. Wlien cylinder U free, lift straight up mdii it touchcs frame and tilt sideways, ni shown in illustrationt (Figurę .1, Pil).

To dismount the renr cylinder, follow the same proceduro as with the front, diiomnect feed pipet frotn oil tank to both pumps and rcmove tank.

Car bon can licst l>c removed with apccinl serapers wliicłi can lar bougłit frotn the dealer or nn auto occcssory supply houic. A long scr®w-driver nr wnod chisel will do in licu of a seraper.

Bcfore repladng a cylinder sce that the cylinder seat goikct is in good c-ndition Rcplace it if it is not; otherwise it will leak oil at this point. Be surę that all the surfaces and gasket arc pcrfcctly clcan.

Figurę P12

Wben repladng a cylinder draw down on the cap nuts cvcnly. Do not tighten one way up, then another. Kccp the strain cvcnly distributed. Aftcr a day or two the cylinder will have had a chance to set and the cap nuts thould be tried again. It may be possible to tighten them morę. Somctimes this may be done scvc*ral limes bcforc the cap nuts bccome fully tightened.

Gasoline and a brush arc best for cleaning greasc and oil from the outśide of the motor. Try all nuts and bolts rcgularly.

Grinding Valves

If the machinę shows a falling off in power and speed. as indicalcd by the speedometer, and there is no undue "pl»y" between valves and tappets, test the com-prosioo of the engine by standing on starter pedał with compression on, or pulling the rear wheel over slowly with the gears and clutch engaged. If the engine turns over ca siły against compression, there is a leak, eitlicr through the valves or piston rings. It is usually the fonner, and is rcmedied by regrinding with fine emery powder and oil mixed to a pastę or with valve grinding compound, on sale by all dcalers.

The eshaust valve rcquires grinding oftener than the inlakc valve, bceause it is morę exposed to the blast of the burnt gaw-t which cause pitting and warping.

Toremove any valve, first remove the hexagon cap io the cylinder head which covers the valve. A special wreneb is provided which fits all cylinder head eaps.

They tum to the left to remove.

1917 Powerplus Motor. Showmg Pnnapl Paru



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