

File Edit View Info Settings Windows Help s|

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Geometry Mesh Blocking EditMesh Properties Constraints Loads SolveOptions Output

Model Geometry Subsets —Ef Points —Ef Curves £h-ET Blocking —Ef Subsets Vertices —Ef Edges Faces Blocks —Ef Pre-Mesh 0—ET T opology Ó-rEf Parts —ET GEOM



Pre-Mesh Ouality



Criterion Determinant 3x3x3

Min over'

His tog

Min-X Max-X Max-Y h| Num. oi

r Only r Activ

Max angle Max length Max ortho Max ortho 4.3v Max ratio Max side Max warp Max warp 4.3v Mid node Mid node Angle Min angle Min ortho Min side Ouality Taper Volume Warpage X size Y size 2 size




Done saving blocking file

Saved family boco data to basen, fbc

Saved attribute data to basen, atr

Saving project settings to "D:/Student/1S7059/basen.pri"

Project saved

Number of processors = 1

Done recompute

Log Save




Jwjj HS ||

-    4 V ©    07:45


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