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EJaLOHA - [Text Summary]

E File Edit SiteData SetUp Display Sharing Help | SITE DATA:


Building Air Exchanges Per Hour: 0.45 (sheltered single storied)

Time: May 22, 2013    1341 hours CDT (user specified)


Uarning: TITANIUM TETRACHLORIDE can react with water and/or water uapor to produce hydrochloric acid and heat. ALOHA cannot accurately predict the air hazard if a reaction occurs.

Chemical Name: TITANIUM TETRACHLORIDE Molecular Weight: 189.68 g/mol

ERPG-1: 5 mg/(cu m) ERPG-2: 20 mg/(cu m) ERPG-3: 100 mg/(cu m) Ambient Boiling Point: 273.8° F

Uapor Pressure at Ambient Temperaturę: O.0068 atm Ambient Saturation Concentration: 7,108 ppm or 0.71%


Wind: 2 meters/second From NNE at 3 meters

Ground Roughness: open country    Cloud Couer: 10 tenths

Air Temperaturę: 10° C    Stability Class: D

No Inuersion Height    Relatiue Humidity: 99%


Leak from hole in oertical cylindrical tank

Non-flammable Chemical is escaping from tank

Tank Diameter: 0.5 meters    Tank Length: 4 meters

Tank Uolume: 0.79 cubic meters

Tank contains liquid    Internal Temperaturę: 10° C

Chemical Mass in Tank: 943 kilograms Tank is 69% Fuli

Opening Length: .7 meters    Opening Width: 0.2 meters

Opening is 1.56 meters from tank bottom

Ground Type: DeFault soil

Ground Temperaturę: equal to ambient

Max Puddle Diameter: Unknown

Release Duration: ALOHA limited the duration to 1 hour Max Auerage Sustained Release Ratę: 1.44 pounds/min (aueraged ouer a minutę or morę)

Total Amount Released: 83.2 pounds

Notę: The Chemical escaped as a liquid and formed an euaporating puddle. The puddle spread to a diameter oF 8.5 yards.


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ALOHA - [Text

czterochlorek tytanu tem...


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• \ J 15:28


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