Stop playing cops for the RIAA and MPAA!
Schools are under no legał obligation to do the bidding of these oppressive and downright abusive EMBASSY OF PIRACY trade groups without a court order. Harvard stands internet
strong and encourages other schools to resist as well.
Sharing, duplicating, and creating a copy of content, information, ideas, is NOT the same or even on par with STEALING property. Television, VHS, cassette tapes, radio, and even the printing press were all strongly opposed by those who owned and controlled the information of the age. The internet is our finał battle and will be our finał victory.
Illegally downloaded songs do not translate into lost purchases or stolen profits. Quite the contrary. The decline in musie sales correlates much morę with other factors like the inerease of video gamę sales[1), not to mention as record label profits go DOWN, artist incomes have steadily RISEN>2i. Those who download illegally spend morę money on musie than those who don'ti3), but figures continue to be downright fabricated to feed the media141.
Copy restrictions are not about due credit nor the interests of artists but merely the market control and exploitation of creative work for financial gain by a few corporate giants. Copyright is the weapon wielded by the goliaths of a dying industry, a weapon rejected by the artists of this new generation.
Criminalizing everyone with ill-conceived laws to protect an industry which refuses to adapt is harmful to society. File sharing cannot be stopped. We will always find new and innovative ways to share with one another. We have embraced this name "PIRATE" provided by perjurious propaganda so prepare to be pillaged and plundered!
To all students:
2. http.//labs.t?mesonline co uk/btog/2009/VM12/do-musH>artists-do-better-in-a-wortd-wilh-illegal-fiie-shanng/
3. http://www.independent