

WALS - Language Profile for Itelmen 000 1

WALS - Language Profile for Itelmen 000 1


Language Feature Information:


Reciprocal Constructions value:

Distinct from reflexive Data Source:

• Volodin (forthcoming)


•    Georg, Ralf-Stefan, and Alexander P. Volodin. 1999. Die itelmenische Sprache. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

•    Volodin, Aleksandr P. (forthc.). Reciprocal constructions in Itelmen (Kamchadal). In Nedjalkov, Vladimir, ed., (with the assistance of Emma Geniusiene and Zlatka Guentcheva), Typology ol reciprocal constructions. Munchen: Lincom Europa.

•    Volodin, Alexander P. 1976. Itelmenskij jazyk. Leningrad: Nauka.

•    Volodin, Alexander P. 1997. Itel’menskij jazyk. In AP. Volodin, ed., Jazyki Mira: Paleoaziatskie jazyki, pp. 60-72. Moscow: Indrik.

•    Volodin, A.P., and A.N. Zhukova. 1968. Itel’menskij. In Vinogradov, Victor V. et al, eds., Jazyki narodov SSSR, volume 5: Mongolskie, Tunguso-Man'chzhurskie i Paleoaziatskie Jazyki, pp. 334-351. Leningrad: Nauka.

46 available features for Itelmen:


1.    Consonant lnventories - Moderately large

2.    Vowel Qualitv lnventories - Average (5-6)

3.    Consonant-Vowel Ratio - Moderately high

4.    yoicing in Plosives and Fricatiyes - In fricatives alone

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