image help page03

image help page03


Fi rfci“511 of    BI N GO WORDSl^efore^th^ti mer runs"ouFtorco n t i ruTe

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to theriext round.IEarn'more'time'With'every'Word you solve:


ydirget stuck'torscramble^the^letters


If yoirget stuck'onwa*word JswitchTto^a

■    i

Youjrh ayTa I śoTu'se’tłi^-key bo a rdytó^e n te r_ wo rd

LETTER KEYS-Enterletters    |BACKSPAC^^emovelastlette^^^^H

SPACEBAR - Twist letters    IDELETE - Clear all letters

ENTER - Enter the word or repeat the last word |TAB or ARROW KEYS - Move to a new word


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