INTRODUCTION................................................ 7
1. The cult buildings of Slavonic, Germanie and Baltic tribes............. 11
2. Arcona and other teraples in Rugen.............................. 24
3. Radogość (Rethra) and other temples of the Lutizens and Abodrites...... SI
4. Pomeranian temples in the times of St Otto’s mission................. 70
5. Temples in view of excavations................................. 95
6. Under the open sky......................................... 120
7. Ruthenian sanctuaries....................................... 133
8. Sacred groves, waters and Stones................................ 159
9. Sacred mountains.......................................... 172
10. The sacred mountain in the Slavonic myth of settlement............... 185
11. Statues of gods............................................ 198
12. Conclusions............................................... 229
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................ 239
ABBREYIATIONS ............................................... 259