topic-specific vocabulary
6. earthquakc
(A) a long, heamy tnow ihower, atcompamed by ilrong windi.
(B) a ihaking of the earth cawed by, for oampe, vocan< actńnty. <0 a large area of dry la od wl*ch ihould uwally be wet
7. tsunami
<A) a tropical storm with strong w ndi and rain.
(KI a huge wave n the iea camed t-/ an underwatcr earthquake. <0 a loog per od when there it no ra n and when the and ii dry.
Complete the łabie below to show the verbj and adjectives which we use for the nounj in the left-hand column
rain sun storm snów wind |
Replace the words and exprestions in bold with a suitable word or expreuion from the box.
1. Ittrainnga lot.
2. tt't wrth ram.
ł. tt'i very hot in our Office a: the moment.
4. We could ask him to lort out the invoice\ bul he li make it unnecessarily difficult and complicated.
5. lan i leeling unwell
6. There was a sudden heavy fali of raln and all the spectators ran ns>de.
7. I doM know it we <an survive ihh crs* without any e»tra calh (-* Cash, def 1).
8. Howeswr goomy thingt may wam, there it alwayt tome atpect which b good
9. They were very happy when they won the lottery.
10. Ben wat under iutpkion for a long time after the theftt were disccr.ered,
11. Whenncr I has-e a great dea, Penny spoili it by doing it firłt and getting all the credit.
12. Sarah thoughl t wai mportant. but in facl it wat o lot of fuii about lomething whkh wai very trhriaL
___ 89
fu wleWKt.«» (tUY f.y'« Matowy •*< fnttms ».«rt KM li
topic-specific vocabulary
Taik 1. VIRBS
Read the text in the box below and nutch the word< in bold with thelr deflmtlont und«rn«ath. Ute your dictionary to cheek yout antwert.
Brian lamet left Unwerilty ai>d der ded to appły for a job włńth Iw taw aihertited in the paper He fillfd m tire app Kation fofmt and. a few weekt ławr. wał atked to attend an InterYiew. Ha wat offered the ob that tama day.
At be lived in o tmall '.own ooltide the city, he had to commute cvery day. He wat good at hit job and uery toon wat promoted. Hotwwer, lite tompany he worked for tvat having problemt. Two peopie were ditmitted for f.ea ng and twoof their friendt retigned in tympalhy. the directort det ded to lay off five morę becaute the company coulrfrTt a (ford to keep them, and the martag ng difector decided to retire eariy. The almcnphere wat to bad lltat Brian e-<entually decided to hand in hit notkę._
t. to gve up a ob.
2. to atk for a ,ob, utually by writing a letter.
T. to ba ramov«d from a .ob. utual y haram# you ha'<# don# tomathing bad.
4. tamę at 1.
5. to ttop work and take a pention, utualiy when you are in late m dde age.
6. to wrlte n the empty spece* on a form
7. to be gven a better .ob in the organ rat on you work for.
8 to be ryuestioned by one or morę peopie when you are eppymg for a job to that they <an decide if you are suflabie for that job.
9. to tra.el to work from home each day. utual y from one town to another.
10. to be dismitted from your .ob for «tirne until morę work it ava labę.
Tack 7 NOUNS
Read the tent which followt and fili in the gapt with an appropriate word from the boi below Ute your dictionary to help you In tome catet, morę than one antwer ił posłible.
A Computer company had a (1)_for posilion of (2)_, and decided to ad'«ertite for a
rew (3)_. A fot of (4)_with good (5)_and 16)_applied for the ,ob,
and after all the interyiewi had fimihed, the d rectori madę a 17)_of the bett |8)_.
tlven nyited them to tome bsck for another interYew.
Tli# perton wtx> eventually got tli# job wat very happy. After all. h# would r#r# •<# an annual
f9) of 09,(100. with a 5H (10)_twic* 3 y*ar. a 15% (11)_for each
Computer he managed to tell. eire lent (12) turh at prrvate health inuirance and a company
rar. a company (13). to make turę he wou d be well-off when he ret red. and the rhartce of
(14) from taletman totalet (15)_if he wattiircettful. All inalt hit futurę
(16) looked very good.
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