jow02 04

jow02 04

FIBK and S1R0WG, able to do thelr part, and tho lunga will haro Y0LU1Ł, bocauoo thay hava apaoa to werk In*

Coraon oenao reaaonlng, lan*t itt

Lat your broathln,- than be deop and ragulnr.

"rop.tho ln with your noao and czhala through tho nouth when ezcrcialng.

HUT do not reatriot youraelf to naaal broathinp, That la not alwaya rlght. Soaotlaea w hor tho lunga neod air ąuiok and planty tho broathlng bacówce antiroly orał*

Watoh a horao, a dog, or a nan raolng, you will always aea that thay run with tho mouth opon. Simply booauao thay oannot r*coiwa tha air faat onough through tho nota to aupply tho denand of tho hoart and lunga.

Perhapa you novor thought of that boforo.

I ftnd lt rory interesting to know how natura haa takan oara of tha huaan body undor nhyaieal atreaa.

At tho bose of tha braln ia a rory aonaltiTo norra center that io aztraaaly ■ liro to tha aaount of oarbon diozldo {waata gna) ir. tha blood. If thoro ia noro of thla gaa than thora ahould ba, thla Ł* oor.ter sonda out noeaagea ta tho chaat ruaolaa and makia thora work faitar, oaualng tha ohaat to aot lika a bo 11 owa ao that tho lunga nay roeeiTO noro froah air.

Ornlor groat oxortion tha llvlng oolia of tho tntiaoloa raaka moro carbon diozldo and th* lunga than eannot raoeira cocygon faat onough ov*n tbough tho chest r”s*>loa aro working hardor to oroato ohaat oz par. s i on, ao thla norva brała shcotj cui los moasagaa to tha fkoial nuaoloa and oauaea tho aouth to opon and npplj .tha /ptutor neod for air.

daturo ia a wonderfUl etudy. I lovo it, aapecially tho łne»;. bohy.

Gira no a phyoieal prób lor. and I will work with it happily for ho>*ra ur.tll I haro aolwod lt.

Ithon you aro undroatod juat wntoh tha pit of your atomach aa you breathe.

Botioo how lt pilaataa with oaoh broath.    •

It 1« your dlaphrags lung aootior. trying to fUnction.

Aftor you h*ve flnlahcd your ohaat eroreiaaa, look again.

Tou will sao that tha pulaation la moro pronouncod booauao it la dolng what ia reąulrod. That whłoh naturo ordainad it SHOULD do.

Tho anowcr ia, tho ezerolaea ln thla ocuraa aro auoh that an uplift of tha dia-phragn haa takan pleoo, ar.d tho lowor lunga ara hałd up towar da tha lnhalad cocygon ao that thay nay rocolre tholr natural aupply.

Thaae physioal moweaenta allow for nora lung apaca by chaat azpanalon, and no, gradually *rrarythiog i a brought back to i ta normal piana.

In order to haoe Aill natural ooatal broathlng, you poaltiooly eaiat go through tha THłEE proooasoa of breathlng and not any single ona.


Sight and elaap ara tho houra fbr recuporation.

Tboa your organa oparato to repalr tho domaga of tha day and prorido tha body with a rosorra for tha aorrow.

Tha maacloa and tha braln bocamo relazed ln order to giwa tha powara of roouper-atlon o ohanoe.

Tho nuscios and tho braln aro tho groat absorbera of enargy, and to tha eztent that they aro auppllad, to auoh an eictent will thay gira roaulta.

During tha houra of alaop tho antlre body with tha ainglo azcaptlan of tho lunga la balów noraal.

Thla ia tholr apooial tima to rapalr and raploniah, and tha moro tirod you ar# tha daapor will your breathlng ba during aleop aa tha lunga aaok to obtain tholr aupply of ozygen.

Qulto oftan you haro llatonad to tha daap braathlng of a parson who haa been wary tirod, and ronarkad how ho waa enjoying hla aloep.

Tou woro ir^jrosaod by tho dapth of hla broathlng, by tha long draughta of air that wara takan into tho lunga.


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