Tłu; noact you sco to hond baianoing aot Mllori at your local
theober, go to 8oo it, ocbd wetch how eoaylotoly tho botto- uan bends and stral&htftr.s tram, p ‘io hia bo thaa as be holds his partner at arn's l«o£th
ov«riirisi in o hond stand*
If you pay parfclculor attcntion to tho nuoolta aa they uork you will adnlro tho lithc, sleok n? that thoy twist and ;liiio undor tho skin. Thoro aro co r*-•trlotoil ncnrorwnts to his suselen beoause ho haa trainori thoai wlth tho wisien of nn '.':c■: -.^llshod pro;>•slocal*
The shronger tho eon ls, tho thłckor aro his boodent and llguaents. Tho co o- tho mrmn of "omor sra likr> sto.l cables. A* porfoma tho ćifforent notions of acilcn you son seo Łho:- awitch lito tho oahloa en a Tnl+chboard#
:*»r. who aro rof&rred to as beŁn«j "oordy sisclc!, * ars ren who h*vo vory
Thoso ftnr mota'will (rir* you aa idea whjr your rat te la* ahould bo loRittłwnsd nr-t, lho ioofar yę*x -ia!» the.- ihe .u>ro 3paco you eruato for aetual suaols cixo and tho noro wstr will you aoęulro for your* cif.
-'o-t wosk irs fc&chls retua] cei.tr*ctlve aorcnntit Hot that we h*YS not bo en doir.- SOISO o< . :t what we hnvs actunlly bc-.n dolng rrr ■ ‘.xy,tif,
tho ąsundntSor. for noro profrossiTo tralalce. Inter on you cun taoklo anyth nc witheut tho loast dar.ffcr of strajk*. It o«n edao aa hard orul os sevaro as li llkea, n: 1 you Will bo ara rod to rtel hrfW nosiły your »ntir« i«dy will ronoond to tli*> noraseat with no aftor offeeta of fntirue.
It has boon sold thr.t our i^diridual stroneth la dotor»d:jod by the cal lbro of our 11,-o.Kmts, and ! knenc that it ic truś. You have aoon as woli as I have, asa wlth apparoctly po.terfUł nuccloa, that ia, if ypy dotsrwlns ponur by aooaurr-wtiloh ls oll wror.-, and you mmćoro-1 *?vy ihsy mrc not stron^er than thoy worc.
You o mc suń the aa »\»r up ir. *u«t r. tatr words. Thoy had »junntłty twt thoy laclasd cpialltgr.
It ls ihc typs of tralala*; you fellow that will dooldo for you tho bind of =usol«a you will hav«. Hovonucts that lnrolvo nu&vroUs ro-.. tltiens wlth lr : ' of llroctlon .>r.lv ersata lnflr.tod t.l3.: 10—cuscls that :a coirso cni ussloas with -trak, strlniy ll^unonts. Tho ri^ht idnd of exeroisos build auscles llks cteol wlth at-y rl-r: slse wlth aHnpo—-thie la tho klnd ot nu* l-s tho Jorott aysbca bullda for its pupila*
Vo\; wr, will j ct a*-xrter on .*o-.ir --\er#taeo r.:ai I A>ol suro you will c •. joy • - .
PoorAłUy your»#