jow13 08

jow13 08

thlrd oraotioc r.I^ht until 10 counte aro nade, thon pro^rooa In tho rogular lnstruct-od nanftor aa givon for all tho bo ojcoreises, by »oviflG tho Błocka rur tho r away Aron your hande, and ln that pooitlon of addod woight bogiń with tho orlginnl ccui}t of 9 tlnoa and lncroaoo ovory third nlght aa boforo.

Ezoreiao S.

Aosuno tho prono pooitlon, fiat on your tao Je, with tho Pulorua Karboli hołd ot atralght oma* longth bohind your hond* Olw your body all tho atrotoh lt la c&pablo of| and ahovo nil, soo that tho ssali of your baok la hołd ao tlghtly to tho floor aa posaibło.

7rar, tłiia pooitlon bogiń to broutho ln doeply and slowly, ln ton po with tho fol leming arm moYcrsont. Graop tho handle of tho Bar bo 11 flrmly, and with stroi W t an r., ralao tho Horboll to atraight arma* longth ovor your fhco. Tou will fto? c. :r, inolinatlon to oroh yovir baok frem tho proasuro of reaiatanoo, but you M»’~?    . -.r.t

thla by foroing tho onall of your back to tho floor. Thio will givo a wondtu lnpotun to your cheat, and will bring out tho toat that le ln you ln all-ro-nd ©tost dewelo puent.

Kow lowor tho Barbell alcncly baok to tho origlnal poaition, broathlng out aa you do ao.

Practloo thla ozorcloo 9 tlaoa, addlng ono ropotltion ovory thlrd praotloo night until 18 oouato aro roechod, thon progroaa ln rosiatanoo aa bo foro.

Ezoroloo 10.

Aa sumo tho exact poaition aa ln Ezorolao Ko. 1. Hal no tho fUlcrura Dor be 11 to Otralght arma' longth ln front of your fhco, Juat tho onrae a^ ln that ozerolno, tho • only dlffbronco botwoer. thls ozorclao and ©zoroiao Ko. 1, lo that aa you rnioo tho Karboli, you bogiń to rlao ao high on tho balia of your flaot aa you poaslbly oan.

Thla la fbr tho deyalopnont of your calf rcjaolos.

It lo lnportant that tho body-ralaing aovomant on your tooa, and tho ralalng of tho lartoll, bo alnultanooua in oporatlon, tho finał poaition of oach tolng rorohed ot tho oano tinoj othonrlse you loco all benefit of tho ozór ciao for bulldlng your OalTOB*

Broathe ln aa you ri*n on your tooo and ralan tto Bartol 1, and out aa you lowor your hoelo to tho floor and tho Karboli to tho originął poaition.

Praotloo thlo ©zoreiee 12 timoa. adćlng 2 ropotltlona ovory thlrd jwootleo nlght until 24 counta aro mado, thon lncroaoo your ln tho progroeale© ordor aa ln* truoted ln all othor ozorclaeo*

Ezoroloe 11.

Lic prono on your baok with tho Ailcrus Harto 11 at otralght arsir* langth bohind your hoad, your body at fuli stroteh r.rd your tooc pointod. >Ya» thlo po»’*.io:    ■f ria to

brontho ln, and at tho oa.-in tlm slaultajiooualy ralse your fbet wl^h . v. '• to toward your hoad, and ralac tho .ulerun Barbsll wijh rtraight w< t* n*r«r : z gth oror your fboo. rorforc tho nozesent slowly, with »r r. and legr. actłig u. vniat» with your braathinf ln. Thls dono, be gin to b.-oatho tut, and olowly roturn your arian and loęa back to tho floor to tho originnl poottion.

Sup. 8


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