John T. Hanscn, Ph.D., is Professor and Associate Chair for Education in Neurobiology and Anatomy, Associate Dean for Admis-sions, and Direclor of Curriculum Develop-ment in the Offices of Medical Education at the University of Rochester School of Medi-cine and Dentistry. Dr. Hansen served as Chair of the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy betore becoming Associate Dean. Dr. Hansen is the recipient of numer-ous teaching awards from students at three different medical schools. In 1999, he was the recipient of The Alpha Omega Alpha Robert J. Glaser Distinguished Teacher Award given annually by the Association of American Medical Colleges to nationally rec-ognized medical educators. Dr. Hansen's investigative career encompasses research of the peripheral chemoreceptor system, para-neurons. and neural plasticity and inflamma-tion. He is author of Essential Anatomy Dis-sector and editor on the CD-ROM Netter Presenter Humań Anatomy Colleclion.
Bruce M. Kneppen, M.D., Ph.D., is Professor of Medicine and Physiology and Dean for Academic Affairs and Education at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine. Dr. Koeppen is the recipient of numer-ous teaching awards from the students at the University of Connecticut Schools of Medicine and Dental Medicine. In 1995, he was the recipient of the Arthur C. Guyton Teaching Award from the American Society of Physiology, and he was the 1998 recipient of The Alpha Omega Alpha Robert). Glaser Distinguished Teacher Award given annually by the Association
of American Medical Colleges to nationally recognized medical educators. Dr. Koep-pen's invesligative career encompasses research in renal physiology and, morę recently, medical education. He is coauthor of the textbook Renal Physiology, contribut-ing author to Principles of Physiology, and contributing author and editor of Berne and Eevy's Textbook of Physiology.