Figurę 2.33 Retinoceniculostriate Visuai Paihway
The retina has two types of photoreceptors: cones that inediałe color vision and rods Ihal mediate light perccption but with Iow acu-ity. The greatest acuity is found in the region ot the macula of the retina. where only cones aie found (upper left panel). Visual signals are conveyed by the ganglion cells whose axons course in the optic nerves. Visual signals from the nasal retina cross in the optic chiasm while information from the temporal retina remains in the ipsilateral optic traci. Fibers synapsę in the lateral geniculate nuclcus (visual field is topographically represented here and inverted), and signals are convcyed to the visual cortex on the medial surface of the occipi-tal lobe.