Ib fi bers
Extrafusul musde fiber
Intrafusal muscle tiber
Alpha motor ne urons
Gamma motor neurons
A. Passbe stretch. Both intrafusal and extrafu$al muscle fibers stretched; spindles actbaled. Kufle* via la flbers and alpba motor neurons causes secondary contraction (hasis of stretch reftexes, soch as knee ierkj. Stretch is too weak to acthrate Golgi tendon organs
Ib fibers + -t- • * . ,
_._ • •>. i A nh.i .ifHvAtion
la fibers
Extratusal muscle fiber Intrafusal musde tiber
Inhibitory inlerneuron ■
Alpha motor neurons
Gamma motor neurons
B. Actbe contraction. C entral excitation of alpha motor neurons only causes contraction of extrafusal musde fibers vsith c<msequent relaxation of intrafusal flbers; spindles not actbated Tension is Iow; <loes oot adjust to incrcased resistance Tendon organ actbated, causing relaxation
" Alpha and i gamma actbation
Ib fibers
Extrafusal musde fiber
J Intrafusal musde fiber
Gamma motor neurons
C. Actbe contraction with gamma coactKation. Intrafusal as well a« extrafusal fibers contract; spindles actbated, reinforcing contraction stimulus via la tihers in arrord with resistance Tendon organ actbated. causing relaxation ir load is too great
Interaction of the muscle Splndle and Golgi tendon organ dunng passive stretch of a muscle (panel A) and during a contraction ipanels B and