Sm!,} Spn4,,,v
Promotor; orientation, eye and head movements
Pretrontal; inhibitory- control of behavior;
Motor control of speech
Pretrontal; inhibitory control of behavior; higher intelligence
C-ingulate gyrus (emotional behavior) and cingulum
Hippocampal commissure rtlerior commissure
Figurę 2.19 Cerebral CORrEx: Localization oe Function and Association Pathways
Ihe cerebral cortex is organized into functional regions. In addition to spedfic areas devoted to sensory and motor functions, there are areas Ihat integrate Information trom multiple sources. The cerebral cortex panicipates i» advan<;ed intellectual functions, induding
aspects of memory storage and recall, language, higher cognilive functions, conscious perception, sensory integration, and planning/execution of complex motor activity. General t ortical area-associated with these functions are illustrated.