Sensory Pathways: I
Spinothałamic iract
lower part of medulla nblongata
spinothałamic tract; pain, temperaturę
Cerebral cortex: postcentral gyrus
Ventral posterolateral (VPL) nucleus of Ihalamus
Fasciculus gracilis
Dorsal (posterior) spinał root ganglion
Lumbui parł of spinał cord
Ccrvical part of spinał cord
limb ot intemal capsule
Touch, \ "^inMcd
Vontral tanterior) spinothałamic tract: louch, pressure
Pain, 1 myelinated
temperaturo j and unmyelin-ated fibers
Lateral cervicai nucleus Spinocervical tract
Figurę 2.29 Somesthetic System of the Body_
Pain, temperaturo, and pressure sensations below the head ulti-mately are conveyed to the primary somatosensory cortex ipostcen trał gyrus) by the anterolatcral system tspinothalamic and spinoretic-ulur trat ts). The fasciculus gracilis and cuneatus ol the spinał lemnisca! system convey proprioceplive, vibratory, and tactile sensa-tions to the thalamus <ventral posteroiateral nucleus), whereas the lateral ccrvical system mediates some touch, vibratory, and proprio-ceptive sensations (blue and purple lines show these dual pathways). Ultimately. these filjeis ascend as parallel pathways to the thalamus, synapsę, and ascend to the cortex.