56.1n ihe lower part of anterior abdominal wali all three aponeuroses oflateral musculature pass anterior to thc rectus ubdontinis muscle This structural area is designed as: UwtC
57.A young man during active pulling up on cross bcarn expcricnccd Sharp pain in back. Objectively: pain at thc attempts of motiott by upper extremity; adduction and pronation of arm is limited. Strain of what muscic most likcly did happcn?
58.1n patient, a diaphragmatic hemia was diagnosed. What urc u wcnk points in diaphragm ? tAŃv^Hvi»n liuu\tev'c c‘-b; U'
59. At appendectom\\ a surgcon dissects the muscular fibers of anterior abdominal
wali successtvely as fol Iow: v “ > i
60. Erce tor spinać is separated front quadratus lumborunt by:c^^V ^C.v>UwO. ■ wo C. ŁckiAtfa; %
61.In patiem, after trautnatic damage of back, an adduction, extension and intcmal rotation of arm are limited and painful Which of thc following muscles is injured? tóivvv.
62. which of thc following is not related with thc indirect inguinal hemia? te
63. At operation on inguinal hemia the duplication of anterior wali of inguinal canal is
formed. What element of anterior abdominal wali is used for formation of this duplication? Ct SL*^\wOc vv\u,^clę
ćAPesterior wali of rectus sheath below linea arcuata is formed by:
65 .Ańer examining of patient with limitapOn of arm abduction, a physician has ordered a massage of latissimus dorsi muscle beginning from area of its origine. From what area of back is it needed to be gin a massage?
ós At padem, rotation of trunk is painful along one of muscles of the same side. Of which of the following muscles of abdominal wali was inflammation (myositis) haopened? cc^c-.v> lo
6“ .What is an embryological basis of intersections tendineae in iectus abdominis muscle? \uovow.
óS. Wlnch of the following muscles is a synergist to the biceps brachii in flexing at elbow joint?
f 69 Teodor, of which muscle passes over the reiinaculum flexorum? »t (v-Cł»j 70.Whai wali of axillarv cavity has trilatcrum and quadrilaterum openings? pOaiSwOT-“1 A 45-year-old man with upper arm injury has applied to traumatologist. Objectively: po _ _ extension, adduction and pronation functions of the arm. What musel.e is injured? r
72The carpai canal contains: A I
l “jAnachment of muscles supmaung the arm is: (ttUNfcU.u .. i4D»W/’
74 Child 7-year-oid cannot elevate arm and heave it to horizontal level. He leads a hand to the face only by backside at somc abduction of arm due to supraspinatus cv'ću'. yOawj , muscle action (hand of “buglcr"). Of which muscle is thc aetive function absent?
75. All these muscles lakę part in formation of foramen quadrilaterum except:
76. Aftcr trauma, a radiographic irnaging study indicatcs in patient the fracture of ^ ^ *ief*
infraglenoid tubcrcle. Tendon of' which muscle uttached on (his tuherclc is tom
77. Which bony-fibrous canal at thc wrisi the tendons and nervc does pass through?^<^<^'
78. At difficulty in abduction of arm it follows to massage of untagonist muscic to this function, Ofarea of which muscle will a massage be appointed by physician? y>Uv'‘“^''
79. After trauma a patient cannot extetul u limb at elbow joint. Of w hich basie muscle function could the vioiation cause this? ,/UxK“ w •' ‘-‘l« rt0 ^
•-w©-. ■
80.Which of the following muscles does operate on iwo joint? triu*,
81.The man 35-year-old with trauma of Icft palm has applied to traumatologist. It is set at inspection: sword-cut ofleft palm, middle phalangcs of 2-5 fingers cannot flex. Which structures were injured? 1^’ww,