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of the abandoned rampart way along Ihe northem part of Ihe central fortification. Both types of Implemente, shovals and forfcs, wara recorded In larga numbers and In a better preservod stale withln the older recorded assemblages from Stradonlce (W 1903, PI. XXXV: 5,6,16.23; XXXVI. 10-17). The distribut/on of the abora described Implements withln the area of the oppldum Is signiflcant In terms ot the organlsatlon ot soclal order. Rre Implements wara presant withln the equlpment of houses In horizons 2-3 both In the area by the entranco to the centra of the oppldum as wali os at the bailey.

Woodan buckets form ad another integral part of house furnlshlngs. The Iron nail with an eyelet and two bent points (Fig. 36:2), found In house 142 withln horlzon 3, had been designed to be embedded Into wood Larger examplas ofsuch objects can be (nterpreted as belng cramps wlth eyelets (e.g. the 7.4 cm long cramp from the oppldum of Zóvist: Mo tyko vó - Drda Rybov6 1978b, 280, Fig. 7:3). The nail from Stradonlce, 3.2 cm long, might have served as a handle attachment to a wooden bucket. The attachment of a handle with an analogous nail is presenred amongst the old finds from Stradonlce (Pić 1903, PI. XXXVI 11:31), Corresponding ayidence is also providad from the oppldum of Manching (Jacobl 1974,134, Taf. 37, Nr. 630).

A fragment of a massive bronze handle with a profiled end (Fig. 36:6) belongs a category of luxury objecie found within Celtic homes. It was found In the day excavated In Part I, from the settlement features belonging to the courtyard adjacent to the south sida of the main road. The occurrence of this fragment in the area ot the oppidum along the main road leading to the central part Is not coincidental. According to analogies, it is part of a bronze bucket imported from some area of the Roman Empire. The bucket of Eggers' typa 18, with dolphin-shaped attachments, coming from the disturbed cremation burials at the cemetery of Meisdorf, Bez. Halle, had very slmilariy form ad handle ends. It belongs to the last phase of the necropolis, stage LT 02 (MOIIer 1985,96, Taf. 13:18). Slmilariy fbrmed handles, togetherwith a bucket of the same type, also occurred in the cremation burials at the cemetery of S. Bemardo in the area of Omavasso. the latest graves being dated to 37 B.C. (Graue 1974,23,169, Taf. 42:2-4; 45:7). The assodation of an isolated handle with a certain type of bucket is, however, very uncertain. The relatively numerous occurrence of fragments of dolphin-shaped attachments among the imported objects from the older recovered assemblages from Stradonica (cf, Svobodova 1963.656-658, Fig. 1:2,3,6), as well as the aforementioned analogies may however support Ihe probabHity of dassification of these handles to this category. The first production of buckets of Eggars’type 18 is belieyed to dale to the beginning oftheAugustań period (Sakar 1970,61 with references), i.e. the period of the latest settlement phase at Stradonica, according to our conclusions.

Other objects madę from metal, bumt day and stone represent the commonest finds from both fortified centres as well as from open Lata La Tene settlements. Out of various types of knives present within each household, a fragment of a fiat handled type with acun/ed end at an obtuse angle (Fig. 36:10) was discovered. The curved end of the handle also occurs with some massive chopper-like shapes during the Lale La Tóne period (e.g. the hoard from Kolin: Rybovś - Motykovń 1983, 140, Abb. 10:1). Within the older published assemblages from Stradonice, simDar shaped knhres occur both in large and smali forms (Pfć 1903, PL XXXI V:7,10,17; XXXV:2). They are also present in the collections from Manching, in a rich number of types (Jacobi 1974, 126, Taf. 23; Nr. 375-6). Various knives may have occurred within the settlement features sampled at Stradonice in 1981, however, many of them may have simply been described as minutę fragments of iron strips, i.e. they could not be morę precisely determined. Two iron awls of different lengths, 9.5 cm and 1Ż5 cm (Fig. 383,5), were found within the fili of „terrace" house 249 from horizon 4 at the bailey. They had tetrahedral shaped bodłeś and short wrought points. Such objects form a common part of t(ie furnlshlngs of Celtic households. From several oppida, e.g. Stradonice, St. Hradisko and Manching, large collections of various forms and sizes were recovered, Indfcating various possibilities for the utlllsation of these types oI implement (cf. Jacobi 1974,27, 54-55). In the settlement features imrestigated at Stradonice In 1981, other objects commonly used in households were also discovered: an iron sewing needle (pit 208), a ceramic spindle whori („Grubenhaus" 238), fragments of quemstones (house 22, water trough 130), and limestone prismatic ot cytindrical whetstones (houses 23,244,285). The fili of several features yielded prismatic welghts of baked day with horizontai holes (post hole 12, house 23, well 132), usually fnterpreted as representing parts of looms (ĆiżmAt i Jelinkovś 1985.24 with references).

A rare find was a globular stone weight with a broken-off iron eyelet (Fig. 36:8), the weight of which was 246.86 g. It was found on the surface of a yellow cłayey layer mixed with gravel at 85 m, in Part I. This layer 6tratigraphłcally marked the terrain levellings for the settlement of horizon 2. Few analogous examples can be found to match this and their interpretation is somewhat ambiguous. The conical stone weight, with an iron stick set inside it and with a moyable iron ring, found In the Early La Tśne hut 1 at HoStice (Pragoe-East


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