87455 netter31

87455 netter31

Sensory Pathways: II


Cerebral cortex: postcentr.il gyrus

■    Ventral posteromedial (VPM) nudeus of thalamus

■    Internal capsule




Ventra! trigeminal lemniscus -




Dorsal trigeminal lemniscus

■ Trigeminal motor nudeus • Touch, pros surę

■    Pain, temperaturę

■    Proprioception

, Trigeminal (semilunar) ganglion y Ophthalmic n.

//Maxillary n.

/ / y Sensory root / / and

Motor root of mandibul

Medullary reticular formation ■

Spinał trigeminal traci -

Spinał trigeminal nudeus —

Cervical part of spinał cord-

|| Facial (VII) nT^gP^ . 'Vagus (X)n.

Dorsolateral fasciculus (of Lissauer)

Figurę 2.30 Somesthetic System of the Head..........

Nerve cells bodies for touch, pressure, pain, and temperaturę in the    (purple fibers). Most relay neurons project to the contralateral VPM

head are in the trigeminal (semilunar) ganglion of the trigeminal (CN    nudeus of the thalamus and thence to the postcentral gyrus of the

V) nerve (blue and red lines in figurę). Neuronal celi bodies mediat- cerebral cortex, where they are somatotopically represented. ing proprioception reside in the mesencephalic nudeus of CN V


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