Spinał Effector Mechanisms
Schcmalic rcpresentation of motor neurons
Figurę 2.25 Proprioception: Spinae Effector Mechanism
Position sense or proprioception invohres input from cutaneous me< hanoreceplors. Cdgi tendon organs, and muscle spindles (mid-dle figurę of upper panel). Both monosynaptic rcflcx pathways (mid-dle figurę ot upper panel) and polysynaptic pathways invołving sev-eral spinał cord segments (top and bottom tigures of upper panel) initiate muscle contraction reflexes. The lower panel slłows the somatotopic distribution of the motor neuron celi bodies in the ven-tral horn of the spinał cord that innervate limb muscles (flexor and extensor muscles of upper and lower limbs).