Vcstibular System: Receptoi
B. Section of crista
Oppositc wali of ampuila Goto tinous cupciU
C. Section of macula
Figurę 2.36 Vestibular Receptors_
The vestibular apparatus detects movemenl of Ihe head in the form of linear and angular acceleration. This information is important for Ihe control of eye movemenfs so that the retina can he provided with a stable visual image. It is also important for the control of posturę. The utrłde and saccule respond to linear acceleration. such as the puli of gravity. The three semicircular canals are aligned so that
Ihe angular movement of the head can be sensed in all planes. The sensory hair cells are located in the maculae of the utricle and saccule (panel A; higher power view of the macula is shown in panel C), and in the cristac within each ampullae of Ihe semicircular canals (panel A; higher power view of the crisla is shown in panel B).