56558 netter35

56558 netter35

Auditory System: Cochlea


Vestihular tReissner's)

B. Scclinn ihrough (um of cochlea

Scala Cochlearduct iscala media)

(scala media:


membranę Spiral ligament

Ouler hair cells; 60 mV Basilar membranę hair celi; —60 mV

C. Spiral organ

Supporling t Afferent nerve fi bers nerve ribers

As basilar membranę moves up, hairs are deflected outward, causing depolarization of hair cells and inereased firing of afferent nerve fibers

A. Membranous labyrinlh witliin bony iabyrinth

(path of sound waves)

Scala tympani

Oval window and stapes

Figurę 2.34 Cochlear Receptors_

The cochlea transduces sound into electrical signals. This is accom-    pressure changes imparled on Ihe oval window of the cochlea in

plished by the hair cells. which depolarize in response to vibration of    response to vibrations of the tympanic membranę,

the basilar membranę. The basilar membranę moves in response to



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