204 Morda Rudnicki
In generał terms the lndlvldual's radal type is Cau-casian and belongs to the Berber sub-group of Aegean type (aB) (accordlng to Mtchalski-Hensei s typology). The face would have been oval and rather coarse-featured with a tawny or pinkish-brown complexion. The hair was dark brown, wavy and curty. pretty thlck (bushy), the nose smali, but broad with a high bridge profile and the eyes very darte with a Semłtic type upper eye-lid, perceptible slight ahreolar piognathism with fuli and fairty thlck lips — for a Caucasian. The chin would have been slightly pro-truding.
At present. as in the past. thls physical type is In generał assodated with Mediterranean area and in particular with its southem shores. The presence of this type in the territory of present-day Poland offers proof of migration from the South.
The skeleton is relathrely complete although some bones had been destroyed in situ as a resułt of erosion, whlle another part was damaged during excavation, while other bones (phalanxes, carpal bones) have not been recovered at alf. Missing parts have been most fikały dts-persed by animals, as evidenced by numerous burrows in the vicinity of the grave. The overall morphology is rather delicate and typtealfy female. Except for one case described below, no major changes or distińct patho-logies have been recorded. Bona surfaces have been eroded by the action of soli organisms.
The spinał column: damaged portlons of the cenrlcal region, the middle part of the pectoral region and last lumbar yertebrae (onfy the extemal core part of the LS region has survived). The sacrum is presenred only in fragments around its central part, preyenting estabłish-ing its curve or the taking of detailed measurements. The ‘axis toothhelght 14 mm, transversal wldth 9 mm, sa-grttal width 11 mm. Slight osteophytic changes in cervi-cal cords, smali ones of the same type In the pectoral region. The spinał column geometry is slightly displaced:
light left-slded cervłcal scollosis and falnt rlght-sided lumbar/pectoral (malnly pectoral) scollosis.
Clavicles strongly profiled, vlsibly asymmetric: the length of left one: 128 mm, rlght one: 124 mm. In this connection, the breastbone manubrlum is distinctly asymmetric: wldth: 53 mm, height. 51 mm. The cord (without the xipioid process whłch has not been preserved): height. 53 mm, wldth. 27 mm.
The rlb cage is represented by 35 fragments of ribs which represent practically all ribs. Slight cenrlcal sco-liosis and asymmetric clavicles correspond with the slightly asymmetric thorax, but due to the fact that only four moderately complete ribs are preserved, it is not possible to make any further observations.
Scapulae: rlght one broken, left one complete, mar-kedly cunred, thin: height 152 mm, width. 102 mm. Humerus: left one with a supracondyloid foramen, s: length 272 mm, sgt. 18 mm, trv. 16 mm, błc. 56 mm, d: length 278 mm. sgt. 19, trv. 16 mm, bic. 56 mm. Ulnas: length s, d — 232 mm.
Radiuses: length s — 204 mm, d — 209 mm.
The pelvis partially destroyed, but with typically female features, the pubie symphysis partially eroded, in-dicating one or two deliveries at most.
Femurs: rlght one with base parts broken away. Mea-sures of the left one: length 376 mm, trv. 25 mm, sgt. 23 mm, bic. 68 mm.
Tiblae, notably profiled, sabre-shaped: q s: length 312 mm, trv. 21 mm, sgt. 26 mm, bic. 63 mm. d: 310 mm, trv. 18 mm, sgt. 29 mm, bic. 65 mm. Morbid changes within the right knee-joint. The pre-served right kneecap (the left one is missing) has a very untypical build — it is strongly robust in the sagittal di-rection up to the 28 mm (I). Height 39 mm, width. 52 mm.
Its edges are very wide and its structure spongy. The distinct hypoplasia points at inflammatory changes in the kneecap itself sińce joint surfaces of the left femur and the left tibia do not show any malformations. Also two presenred fibulae have no morbid changes.
There is a complete set of ankłe and tarsus bones, while from among carpal bones only four bones have been presenred, including two accreted ones of the tell carpus (exhibiting elear inflammatory changes) which undoubtedly madę movements of the hand difficult. Mors than half of mełatarsus, metacarpus and finger bones has been lost (only 14 bones of metacarpus and meta-tarsus and 17 phalanxes are presenred out of the total). Otherwise, no other pathological changes have been noticed.
A rib found under a pot faced to the north from the skuli (feature no. 7)
This bonę represents a fraction of the rlght rib arc (between O" andB*1?) with the length of 12 cm, belongfng to a subadultus indivldual; that it belonged to a female is evidenced by its delicate constmction and the arc width not exceedlng 11 mm. It Is probable that the rest has been cut off on the external surface. Unfortunately, the damaged surface and additlonal eroslon do not allow a firm diagnosls. However, there is no doubt that this rib comes from a dlfferent indMdual than that described above
Karol Piasecki Instytut Socjologii Uniwersytet Szczeciński ul. Krakowska 71 PL 71-017 Szczecin e-mall: karolplaseckl@wp.pl
HENSEL T, MICHALSKI I.. 1955. Podstawy klasyfikacji człowieka w ujęciu Tadeusza Hensla i Ireneusza Michalskiego. Przegląd Antropologiczny 21 (2). 537-662.
MARTIN R„ FALLER K.. 1957. Lehrbuch der Anthropologlo In systematlscher Derslellung. Stuttgart.
PIASECKI K.. 1992. Las nuevas escalas craneoscópicas. Ob-servadones prelimlnares. Documentos de trabajo 7. Unt-yersidad de Varsovia, Centro de Estudlos Latlnoamericanos.