

202 Marcin Rudnicki

lbconc)ucte.somefurther obsenrationsmaybeadded owwjmng the contaxt of the Pełczyska jnhumation grave As mentioned. it was positioned sonie dis tance from other graves of the cenie tery (Fig. 2) which mostiy eon-sisted of cremebon pil greves (Fig. 2:2.3). v#ry simiar to the so-ceBed Lower Silesia grave typ* (et. Niewęgłowski 1961: 24).

The chronology of the large mąjonty of complex and single graves Ml into the phases A3-81, with the tem-porai limits of the burial ground — from phase A2 to B2-C1a — being set by a few stray finds (Kontny, Rudnicki 2002: 150ff.). Until now only two um graves have been (bund which cen be linked to phase Bi of the Roman period. Another feature, also dtscovsred in the cemetery in 2002M, is a section of a rectangular ditch visible only as a discołouration in the soi (Fig. 2:5; 8) which can be dated to phase A3 by it assodation with a typa M fibula found. Features of this type are known from other sites in the western region of Littie Poland (see Naglik 2002: 152-155 and other references cited there) and are łnłer-preted as evidence of Ceitic influence.

Can the materiał discovered at Pełczyska be dassi-fied as bełongmg to the Tyniec Group? The answer would seem to be in the affinnakve if we regard the Tyniec Group as a multicułtural phenomenon—indeedaspossiblyanuiltt-ethnic mosaic. Undoubtedly the materia! reflects the com-płex cultural situabon of the area of Littie Poland in the la te La T6ne phase and at the begmning of the Roman period. The best evidence of this is the oontemporary use of three different burial rites. the traces of all three of which have been found in the Pełczyska cemetery.

Marcin Rudnicki Instytut Archeologu Uniwersytet Warszawski Szkoła Główna ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28 PL 00-927 Warszawa e-mail: rudnls@yahoo.com


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Karol Piasecki

Anthropological analysis of a human skeleton from Pełczyska grave no. 9

The skeleton found In a grave recorded as featura no. 9 was vlrtually complete. It lay on Its rlght slde with the face tumed to the south. Its posltlon with highly ralsed shoulders suggests that the body had been bound at shoulder level whlle hands had hung free. The spina was straight, the legs tlexed. Diagnostic features unequlvo-cally Indlcate an age of30-35 years. The sax of the skeleton was fornale.

The skuli

The skuli Is comploto. crushod under tho welght of the soli. As recehred. tho fragmonts of the skuli had been glued although somo parta of the basa and Jaw are mła-sing. The skuli is smali, relatlvely gracile, although de-cldodly archlmorphlc. tho dentitłon Incomplete. the ae-cond and third rlght moters and the fłrat towar rlght molar had been tost anta mortom. Inflammatory changea of an alveolnr procesa at the helghl of the flrst rlght uppar promotor had cauaod a fłstula to tho outsldo wali and palate. Tho presence of uppar loft molnrs la uncortaln bocause of Incorrect reconstnictton. Tho crowna of toeth ara abradod in a mnrkod, avan way and In generał tho toeth aro rathor smali and daScate with oven occluaion and no vislbio signs of crown hypoplasla.


0 —op


mi — mi


b — ba


ft — ft


zy —xy


xrn — zm


n — n»


o —pr


n — gn


mf — ok


orbit hełght (h.orbilao)


apt — apt


90 —go


kdl — kdl


cranłoaoopy (followmg tho scales davtaad by Michalski. Wierciński and Piasecki):




4.1 54








13.6 14.12 15.2/3 16.29





21.6 22.3/4



26.3 274



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